
Our safety code

Young People And Facility Safety

UKCP has a strict code of conduct for all staff and young people in their care for their safety and the safety of the UKCP Team.

  • Be accountable by making sure you can answer for your actions or omissions.
  • Promote and uphold the privacy, dignity, rights, health and wellbeing of people who use our services and their carers at all times.
  • Work in collaboration with our colleagues to ensure the delivery of high quality, safe and compassionate, care and support.
  • Communicate in an open, and effective way to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of people who use our care services and their carers
  • Respect a person’s right to confidentiality.
  • Strive to improve the quality of care and support through continuing professional development.
  • Uphold and promote equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • At UKCP we aim to make a valuable and important contribution to the delivery of high quality care and support. Following the guidance set out in this Code of Conduct will give you the reassurance that we are providing safe and compassionate care of a high standard, and the confidence to challenge others who are not.


UKCP have responsibility and accountability for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the young people in our care and protecting them from harm.

All UKCP staff have a part to play in safeguarding and encouraging the welfare of young people, for the purposes set out be below:

  • Protecting young people from danger.
  • Promoting enhancement of young people’s health or development.
  • Ensuring that young people develop in surroundings that are reliable safe and effective care.
  • Taking action to empower all young people to have the greatest outcomes in their life.

Cultural Diversity

UKCP pride itself on its Cultural Diversity with a range of different societies of people with different origins and religious traditions all living and interacting together.

UKCP has benefited from diversity throughout its staffs and young people and is currently one of the most culturally diverse place to work.

Our workforce is made up of a very diverse population of individuals from all parts of the world, this creates a dynamic multicultural organisation.

Such diversity brings with it many differences in skills, abilities and experiences. Because UKCP values having a very diverse employees themselves, we insure that our human resources department employ all different groups of people within the organisation.

This produces an atmosphere where different perspectives and philosophies are welcomed.

Why Choose US

Why Most of The People
Choose Us

Our goal each day is to ensure that our residents’ needs are not only met but exceeded. To make that happen we are committed to providing an


We offer a high standard of quality with all our services. We strive to keep up to date with the latest legislation and procedures.


UKCP has a strict code of conduct for all staff and young people in their care for their safety and the safety of the UKCP Team.


Our managers and workers will ensure that young people have detailed, regularly updated health action plans that are necessary.

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